Friday 19 September 2014

Ignite Presentation Feedback

  • Good choice of topic - but introduction doesn't mention the key issue of female protagonists
  • Delivery weak - lack of rehearsal
  • Timing is terrible - lost control of presentation
  • Such a shame because there is some really good content and research here but no rehearsal or preparation
  • Woefully short - really quite pathetic given the time you had to prepare for this
  • Didn't get into the media debates/issues - such a missed opportunity 
  • Q+A does show some opinions on these issues and potential, good debate going too
  • Tomb Raider would make a good historical case study but you will need a modern example from the last 5 year
  • Some key research done 
  • Examples of both supporting and opposing question
  • Provided background of game and current news stories (Lindsey Lohan lawsuit, most sold game of all time)
  • If evidence was backed up on question, why is the female gaming percentage increasing.
  • Find quotes and opinions from other people about topic
  • Included my personal opinion about question
  • Space out slides so the information
  • Rehearsed presentation
Research: Explore the differences of modern and historical games; why have games changed over the past years and what impact its had on females. Find information and research about physiological impacts of playing video games both men and women. Why are females increasing becoming the dominant gender for gaming, see what attracts and engages women to continue playing video games. Research more AAA game titles including female protagonists, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy and Kingdom of Hearts franchise. Find audience theories that link in with Grand theft Auto 5 - Male gaze, stereotyping and moral panic. Find any news articles that support the fact that males are increasingly becoming more violent due to video games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. 

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