Friday 21 November 2014


Women gets raped
2 Men harassing a innocent women on the side of the street, then forcing to have sex
Players use melee attacks, firearms and explosives to fight enemies, and may run, jump, swim or use vehicles to navigate the world. To accommodate the map's size, the game introduces vehicle types absent in its predecessor Grand Theft Auto IV. In combat, auto-aim and a cover system can be used as assistance against enemies.Should players take damage, their health meter will gradually regenerate to its halfway point. Players respawn at hospitals when their health depletes. If players commit crimes while playing, law enforcement agencies may respond as indicated by a "wanted" meter in the head-up display
First person prostitution has caused a massive moral panic

Issues and debates
Representation and stereotyping; Media effects; Reality TV; News Values; Moral Panics; Post 9/11 and the media; Ownership and control; Regulation and censorship; Media technology and the digital revolution – changing technologies in the 21st century; The effect of globalisation on the media.

Almost all young people play video games, and majority of the games contain male dominated playable characters.

Regulation and censorship:

Moral Panics:
In 1999 two teenagers killed thirteen students at Columbine High School in Denver, USA. USA Today claims the two students were obsessed with video games and the playing of the games led to the attack. This was the start of video game moral panic. After this incident parent’s, teachers and many organisations started to believe video gaming caused violent behaviour in its players.

The first event that created the panic then causes a build in public concern and generally leads to a response from authorities and opinion makers. The panic is reduced or there is a call for social change and the issue is managed or fixed. The moral panic around Grand Theft Auto follows this pattern

Example: CBS News claims that an Alabama lawsuit claimed that Grand Theft Auto led a teenager to go on a killing rampage, murdering 3 people; 2 of them police officers. The 18-year-old killer apparently played Grand Theft Auto day and night for months on end until he finally snapped. He was said to rein-act the game in his murders. 

Gender and ethnicity; Marxism and hegemony; Liberal Pluralism; Colonialism and Post-colonialism; Audience theories; Genre theories.

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